Replication Process Event Script Checks

The following ILM model checks are made on replication process event scripts:


Description and Correction

Event script code maximum length

The event script code length is limited by the maximum length specified in the XEM definition [CodeMaxLen entry, in the Objects > Settings category] and in the naming conventions of the model options.

Manual correction: Modify the code length to meet this requirement

Automatic correction: Truncates the code length to the maximum length specified in the XEM definition

Event script event uniqueness

Replication process event script events must be unique in the namespace.

Manual correction: Modify the duplicate event script event

Automatic correction: Deletes the duplicate event script event

Undefined event

An event script allows you to define how events on a replication process are implemented. An event script must have its event defined.

Manual correction: Select an event from the Event Selection dialog box accessible from the Event Scripts tab of a replication process property sheet

Automatic correction: None

Undefined script

An event script allows you to define how events on the replication process are implemented. An event script must have its implementation script defined.

Manual correction: Type a script for the event in the Script column accessible from the Event Scripts tab of a replication process property sheet

Automatic correction: None

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: