Article Event Script Checks

The following ILM model checks are made on article event scripts:


Description and Correction

Event script code maximum length

The event script code length is limited by the maximum length specified in the XEM definition [CodeMaxLen entry, in the Objects > Settings category] and in the naming conventions of the model options.

Manual correction: Modify the code length to meet this requirement

Automatic correction: Truncates the code length to the maximum length specified in the XEM definition

Event script event uniqueness

Event script events must be unique in the namespace.

Manual correction: Modify the duplicate event script event

Automatic correction: Deletes the duplicate event script event

Undefined event

An event script allows you to define how events on an article are implemented. An event script must have its event defined.

Manual correction: Select an event from the Event Selection dialog box accessible from the Event Scripts tab of an article property sheet

Automatic correction: None

Undefined script

An event script allows you to define how events on the article are implemented. An event script must have its implementation script defined.

Manual correction: Type a script for the event in the Script column accessible from the Event Scripts tab of an article property sheet

Automatic correction: None

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: