Setting ILM Model Options

This section explains how to set global options for the objects in your ILM. These options apply only to the current ILM.

For information about controlling the naming conventions of your models, see "Naming Conventions" section in the Models chapter of the Core Features Guide.

To set ILM model options, select Tools > Model Options or right-click the diagram background and select Model Options from the contextual menu.

You can set the following options on this page. They apply to all objects:



Name/Code case sensitive

You can define the case sensitivity of names and codes for all objects in the current model. When this check box is selected, it implies that you can have two objects with identical name or code but different case in the same namespace.

Unlike other model options, you can modify the name and code case sensitivity during the design process. However, if you do so, make sure you run the check model feature to verify if the model does not contain any duplicate object.

Enable links to requirements

Requirements are descriptions of customer needs that must be satisfied during development processes.

You can enable links to requirements for all objects in the current model. When this check box is selected, it implies that the Requirements tab is displayed in the objects property sheet. The Requirements page allows you to attach requirements to objects; these requirements are defined in the Requirements models open in the workspace. Attached requirements and Requirements models are synchronized.

For more information on requirements, see the Requirements Modeling guide.

Created October 7, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: