Managing role-based security  Administering roles

Chapter 6: Security

Setting up a security manager account

Use these steps to create a system administration user to manage overall security from Mobile Web Studio. Optionally, you can hide this user account, or any other account, so it does not show up in Mobile Web Studio.

StepsCreating a new user to access Mobile Web Studio objects and security

  1. Log in to Mobile Web Studio as StudioAdmin, such as the masuper account.

  2. Select Manage | Users/Roles from the menu in the left pane.

  3. Select Users and click New on the toolbar.

  4. When the Create New User window displays, complete the required fields.

  5. Click Save. The new user displays in the list of available users.

  6. Log out of Mobile Web Studio.

  7. Log in as the new user to test the account. If you are logging on to another co-brand, specify the resource ID when logging in.

  8. Create some applications and pages to use the permissions that have been granted to this user.

StepsHiding a user account in Mobile Web Studio

Optionally, with the PortalDB security provider, you can “hide” a user account so it does not display in the Mobile Web Studio list of user accounts. (This does not work with the LDAP security provider, or Enterprise Security).

  1. From the command line, navigate to the following directory:

    cd SYBASE\UAxx\asa\java

  2. Access jisql using the command that follows. The command adds the jConnect JDBC driver to the class path.

    java -classpath ..\..\tomcat\common\lib\ jconn2.jar;jisql.jar com.sybase.jisql.Jisql

    The jisql login screen displays.

  3. Log in:

    Click Connect.

  4. Use the following command to “hide” a user account:

    UPDATE users set protected='true' where login_name='account'

    For example, to hide the securityManager account from view in Mobile Web Studio, use:

    UPDATE users set protected='true' where login_name='securityManager'
  5. To verify the change, log in to Mobile Web Studio as a StudioAdmin user. Select Manage | Users/Roles, and select Users. The securityManager user should no longer appear in the list of available users.

NoteTo reveal a hidden user account, use:

UPDATE users set protected='false' where login_name=

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Administering roles

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