Installation procedure  Installing ASA on a device or emulator

Chapter 1: Installing PocketBuilder

Installing Adaptive Server Anywhere

The Adaptive Server Anywhere setup program installs ASA in default drives and directories unless you specify otherwise. If a directory you specify does not exist, the setup program creates it.

StepsTo install ASA:

  1. On the Welcome page, click Next. On the License Agreement page of the setup program, read the license agreement, select the radio button to accept the terms of the agreement, and click Next.

  2. On the Choose Location page, click Next to accept the destination folder path shown, or click Browse to select a different path for all the modules, click OK, and click Next.

  3. On the Choose Shared Components Location page, click Next to accept the destination folder path shown, or click Browse to select a different path for shared files, click OK, and click Next.

  4. On the Select Components page, you can click any of the components to display a description. Select the components you want to install, clear the check marks for the components you do not want to install, and click Next.

  5. On the Select Program Folder page, select the program folder to which program icons will be added, specify a new one, or leave the default unchanged and click Next.

  6. On the Start Copying Files page, review your settings, then click Next to begin installing files or Back to change your selections.

    The next steps in the installation depend on selections you made in step 4.

    If you selected this in step 4

    Go to

    Documentation but not ASA for Windows CE

    Step 7, then skip step 8

    Documentation and ASA for Windows CE

    Steps 7, 8, and 9

    ASA for Windows CE but not Documentation

    Steps 8 and 9

    Neither Documentation nor ASA for Windows CE

    Step 9

  7. Select the documentation components you want to install and click Next twice to install the documentation, or click Cancel to continue without installing any documentation.

    If you selected Adaptive Server Anywhere for Windows CE in step 4, the Confirm Launch of External Install page displays.

  8. Select Install to install ASA to a device or emulator or select Skip to continue.

    If you select Install, the SQL Anywhere 9 for Windows CE Install wizard opens. For how to complete the wizard, see “Installing ASA on a device or emulator”.

  9. On the Setup Complete page, select the check box if you want to view the iAnywhere Online Resources page and click Finish to return to the final step of the PocketBuilder setup program.

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Installing ASA on a device or emulator

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