Occurs if the webdw.Validate event fails.
PSWebDataWindowClass objects
You can call Modify on a particular text object in the DataWindow to transmit the validation error message. If you place the Web DataWindow on a 4GL Web page and you want to plug validation errors into the standard error processing mechanism, use psPage.ReportError.
To report validation errors to the client, you can place an error message in a Static Text control that you make visible when the error is detected. Another way is to call the psPage.Alert method. These error reporting methods are available only for 4GL Web pages.
This example gives the validation error if the salary is not greater than $20,000.
var result;
/* 'Salary must be greater then $20,000' */
result = "Salary must be greater then $20,000";
return result;
Modify in the DataWindow Reference
ValidationError for other Web Target object model objects