Specifies the database connection parameters required for a Web DataWindow control to connect to a database. The object does not connect to the database.
Unless you use the two-argument syntax for JSP targets, you need to be familiar with the connection parameters for your database system before using this object. The PowerBuilder book Connecting to Your Database provides information about making database connections.
For ASP targets, if you want to set up a database connection to a database that has a named connection, use the PSNamedConnectionParmsClass object.
Syntax with two arguments (JSP targets only)
PSConnectionParmsClass(DBProfile, Prop)
Syntax with multiple arguments
PSConnectionParmsClass(connectString, username, password, dbms, lock, database, serverName)
PSConnectionParmsClass constructor |
Datatype |
Description |
connectString |
String |
The connection parameters required to connect to the database. This string is specific to the database driver for your database DBMS. It must not include spaces that are not part of the string value. |
DBProfile |
String |
The connection parameters defined in the database.properties file in the \WEB-INF\classes directory. This file is created when you build the JSP target and its content is taken from the database profiles defined in PowerBuilder. |
Prop |
Boolean |
This value is always “true”. It is used to distinguish the constructor syntax with the DBProfile argument from the syntax with the connectString argument. |
username |
String |
The user name that the object uses to connect to the specified database. |
password |
String |
The password that the object uses to connect to the specified database. |
dbms |
String |
The connection mechanism used to connect to the database. An entry for dbms is optional for ASP targets. The default is ODBC. |
lock |
String |
The lock value required by your database to prevent concurrent transactions for interfering with each other and compromising the data in the database. An entry for lock is optional for ASP targets. |
database |
String |
The name of the database. An entry for database is optional for ASP targets. |
serverName |
String |
The name of the server that runs the database. An entry for serverName is optional for ASP targets. |
The following example for an ASP target creates a new object named "connParm". The new object defines a connection to the database using the connect string "mydb" and the user name and password "guest". The connection is made through ODBC.
Var connParm = new PSConnectionParmsClass(mydb, guest, guest, ODBC)
Optional arguments in constructor for ASP targets
Although the last three arguments in the constructor for ASP
targets are optional, if you enter a value for the database or serverName arguments,
the optional arguments that can precede the value you enter are
no longer optional and must be included in the constructor.
For JSP targets, you must assign a variable as an object of PSConnectionParmsClass type before you can instantiate it, and you must use semicolons to terminate each line of code:
PSConnectionParmsClass dbConn = new PSConnectionParmsClass("ConnectString='DSN=EAS Demo DB V4;UID=dba;PWD=sql',ConnectOption='SQL_DRIVER_CONNECT,SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT'" );