

Occurs when the value of a control has changed and passed validation.

Applies to

PSCheckBoxClass, PSDropDownListClass, PSPasswordClass, PSRadioGroupClass, PSTextAreaClass, and PSTextClass objects






Before this event is called, the new value must be selected (check box, drop-down list, radio button group), typed (text fields) in the client browser, or otherwise placed (through scripts) in the Value property of the control.

Radio buttons are different from other controls because they function as a group. Each button in the group uses the same binding and has the same properties. The Integrated Script editor lets you script the ItemChanged event for a single radio button, but the script you enter applies to the group. If you select the ItemChanged event for other radio buttons in the same group, the script is displayed there as well. (On the Source page of the HTML editor, the script appears in the INPUT tag for only one of the radio buttons.)


Example 1

This script displays a client-side alert box message if the Redirect method is not called for a psPage event:

psPage.Alert ("Value changed in check box", true);