
Creates a new source parameter object. The object specifies an existing definition of a Web DataWindow control.


PSDataWindowSourceClass(sourceFileName, dwName,  stringSourceURL)


PSDataWindowSourceClass constructor





The URL of the source format for a the definition of a Web DataWindow control that is deployed on a Web server. The object retrieves this definition and passes it to the server component.

A null setting indicates that the source format is deployed on a Web server.



The name of the file on the server that stores the definition for the Web DataWindow control.

If a PSR or SRD file stores the definition, you do not need to specify the name for the definition of the DataWindow control. If a PBD or PBL stores the definition for the DataWindow object, you must specify the dwName property.

The server component of the Web DataWindow control uses the path information from the dwName property to locate the file.



The name of a DataWindow control stored in a PBD or PBL. Required if dwName has a PBD or PBL extension, but ignored for file names that have other extensions.


Example 1

The following JavaScript example (ASP target) creates a new source parameter object named dwParm using the my.pbl library and the DataWindow control dataWin1.

Var dwParm = PSDataWindowSourceClass(my.pbl, dataWin1)

Example 2

For JSP targets, you must assign a variable as an object of the PSDataWindowSourceClass type before you can instantiate it, and you must use semicolons to terminate each line of code:

PSJaguarConnection jagConn = new PSJaguarConnection("my-desktop:9000", "jagadmin", "", "DataWindow/HTMLGenerator90", false);

PSDataWindowSourceClass dwSource = new PSDataWindowSourceClass("d:\\test\\appl.pbl", "dw_dept");	PSConnectionParmsClass  dbConn = new PSConnectionParmsClass("ConnectString='DSN=EAS Demo DB V4;UID=dba;PWD=sql',ConnectOption='SQL_DRIVER_CONNECT,SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT'" );PSDataWindowClass webDW = new PSDataWindowClass(pageContext, request, "webDW", false, jagConn, dwSource, dbConn, 10);