Using the System Tree

The Language page of the System Tree lists all the HTML elements supported by the common browsers. Use the System Tree to insert HTML elements and their attributes into your document.

Using drag and drop

Most HTML elements have start and end tags. You can insert HTML tags in Page or Source view using drag-and-drop. You can set attributes of elements through property sheets. When you select text and then drag an element from the System Tree, the editor puts the element's start tag before the selection and its end tag after the selection.

HTML elements dragged from the System Tree do not have any context. You must make sure elements and their attributes are properly nested. Because of this, the System Tree is more useful when you work in Source view. In Page view, it is better to select text before dragging or pasting elements from the System Tree onto the text.

Do’s and don'ts for using the System Tree with Page view

Some HTML elements require you to select text in a page in the HTML editor before you can drag the elements from the System Tree to the page. Other elements (like lists) are not suited for insertion by dragging, because the results will not be properly nested. Here are some tips:

Selecting text before dragging from the System Tree

When you drag onto selected text in either Page or Source view, the text will be formatted according to the chosen element.

For some elements, such as FONT, if you drag to an insertion point, you will not see any effect, but an element is inserted anyway. In Page view you cannot position the cursor between the start and end tags, so what you type next is not affected by the element.

Other elements, such as the anchor <A> and <TABLE> elements, display a properties dialog box. If you close the properties dialog box without specifying properties, future changes to element attributes must be made using Source view.