Displaying trace messages

Tracing code for 4GL JSP pages helps troubleshoot server processing problems you might encounter as you develop your pages. With tracing enabled, you can view details about the processing of your page, including all the server-side events that are triggered. Trace messages appear at the top of your page.

NoteDisable for production pages Be sure to disable tracing when you deploy your Web target to a production environment, so that your production pages do not display the messages.

Enabling tracing

You enable trace messages on the Errors page of the Page Properties dialog box.

StepsTo enable tracing:

  1. Right-click on a 4GL JSP page open in the HTML editor, then select Page Properties from the pop-up menu.

  2. Click the Errors page.

  3. On the Errors tab page, select Enable Trace.

    Shown is the Errors tab page of the Page Properties dialog box. At top is a cleared check box labeled Show Runtime Errors in alert message box and another labeled Show Runtime Errors as text. The second box has radio buttons lableled At the top of the page and At the bottom of the page. The first button is selected, and both are grayed. Last is a selected check box labeled Enable Trace.

Writing scripts to customize tracing

You customize tracing by writing scripts that call methods on psPage. These methods add a message to the trace and control the appearance of the text. The psPage object provides the following methods:

For details about these methods, see the online Web and JSP Target Reference.