Each deployment configuration is associated with a specific type of server. A controller for that type of server provides program logic that performs:
The Get, Transform, and Put phases of deployment
Pre-deployment and post-deployment procedures as required
When you deploy to ASP, the deployment controller performs these transformations for each page:
Updates links in HTML elements to reflect the deployment file structure.
Replaces the delimiters in the HTML editor (<% and %>) for server scripts with the correct delimiters for the specified application server.
If a page includes any server scripts, includes the object model file specified for the deployment configuration. The object model file maps the Web Target objects you use in your scripts to objects and methods on the application server. The deployment controller also changes the page extension to ASP.
When you use the Basic deployment controller, the controller does not modify the pages you deploy.
When you deploy a JSP target, the JSP deployment controller adds the following server scripts to the top of each JSP page:
<%@ page import="com.sybase.powerbuilder.jspobject.*" %> <% // global instance for the page PSDocumentClass psDocument = new PSDocumentClass (request, response, out, application); PSSessionClass psSession = new PSSessionClass(session); PSServerClass psServer = new PSServerClass(psDocument); %>