What you see in a 4GL Web page

When placed on a 4GL Web page, the Web DataWindow DTC becomes an object of type PSWebDataWindowClass (an extension to the Web Target object model) with its own server-side methods and events. These are listed under the Web Target object model node on the Language tab of the System Tree.

The OBJECT element on a 4GL Web page includes a special CREATE attribute that sets the source and connection information for the DataWindow object (similar to the code that is generated inside a server script on a non-4GL page):

Shown is a sample OBJECT element within the Source view of the H T M L editor for a Web Data Window DTC in a non 4 G L page. In addition to attributes such as height, I D, name, width, and P S Server Scriptable, the OBJECT element includes the attribute Create = ".

The server script generated on a 4GL page calls only the Generate method on the server component:

The sample shows server script generated on a 4GL page. The last PARAM tag for an object displays. The tag < / OBJECT > is followed by the call D W _ 1 dot Generate ( );. At bottom is the comment METADATA TYPE = " Designer Control" endspan.

On the Page view of the Web Target HTML Editor, you can code server-side events (in 4GL Web mode only) from the integrated Script editor. After you select a Web DataWindow control in the first drop-down list in the Script editor, you can select a server-side event in the second drop-down list. Server-side events display in blue, and client-side events display in black.