Inserting an action

StepsTo insert an action in a JSP page:

  1. Select Insert>JSP Standard Action from the menu bar and select an action:

    The sample shows Insert selected on the menu bar and displays its submenu. The J S P Standard Action is selected, and its drop down list includes actions such as j s p : use Bean and j s p : set Property.
  2. In the dialog box that displays, specify the values of the action’s attributes.

    A Y in the Required column indicates that you must specify a value for the attribute:

    Shown is the J S P attributes tab page of the Properties dialog box for the action j s P : use Bean. The page has columns listing Attribute Name, Value, and Required. The scope attribute is highlighted, selected in a drop down list box is the value request, and a Y appears in the Required column.

For a description of each of the values available for the scope attribute of the <jsp:usebean> action, see “Scopes”.