Balanced HTML that the editor can understand

Page view in the HTML editor requires valid HTML, so if you use a script to build part of an element and use straight HTML for the rest of the element, the editor will have trouble displaying the page containing the element in Page view. If you want to use Page view, make sure the HTML on your page is balanced. Start and finish an element in HTML only or in a script only. Do not start in one mode and finish in the other.

For example, if a script is to provide data for a table, you might think it would be easiest to code the table's heading row in HTML and then include a script for the data. To take advantage of the editor, however, it would be better to create the heading row in the script too, even if it seems like more work. When you save a page containing unbalanced client- and server-side script, the editor might alter part of the script that displays in the integrated Script editor.