Inserting a component

You can insert an ActiveX control, applet, plug-in, JavaBean, EAServer component, or custom tag library by dragging it from the System Tree to the current page in the HTML editor.

For information on inserting EAServer components, see “Integrating with EAServer” and “Accessing EAServer components”.

If an ActiveX component has not identified itself as safely scriptable, the editor displays a warning. To interact with the component and view its custom property pages, you must allow it to initialize and run scripts.

NoteDisabling the warning To disable the warning (which comes from Internet Explorer), start the Internet control panel from your Windows Start menu. Then, using Custom, change the settings for Initialize And Script ActiveX Controls Not Marked As Safe. If you make this change, be aware that your system is more vulnerable when you browse the Web with Internet Explorer.

StepsTo insert a component into a Web page:

  1. Drag the component from the System Tree to the current page


    Set the insertion point in the current page and select Insert>Component>Component Type from the menu bar.

    You can drag and drop EAServer components to a 4GL Web page and custom tag libraries to JSPs, but you cannot use the Insert menu to add EAServer components or custom tag libraries to your page.

  2. If a warning about initializing and scripts displays, click Yes.

    PowerBuilder displays the properties dialog box for the OBJECT, EMBED, or APPLET element.

    An applet inserted from the Insert menu or toolbar might not display immediately on exiting the properties dialog box. You can force it to display by making any small change to the file in Source view.

  3. Set properties as needed, especially the Name (For Forms Or Scripting) at the bottom of the ComponentType Properties dialog box.

    It is important to supply valid values for parameters on the component's custom property dialog. Parameters can have invalid values because:

    These problems occur most often with applets but can occur with other components too.

  4. For an ActiveX control, click the Control Properties button to display and edit the control's custom property dialog box.

    NoteControl Properties button This button is enabled only when you are working in Page view.

    After you close the property dialog boxes, an OBJECT element is inserted in the document and the control displays in Page view.