Using the UDDI browser in the wizard

PowerBuilder provides live access to Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) registries for both PowerScript and JSP targets. The UDDI service is an industry-wide effort to bring a common standard for business-to-business integration. It defines a set of standard interfaces for accessing a database of Web services.

The UDDI browser is incorporated into the Web Service Proxy wizard and the JSP Web Service Proxy wizard. You open UDDI search pages by clicking the Search From UDDI button on the Select WSDL File page of these wizards.

The UDDI Search page has three required search fields and four search options listed in the following table:

Table 8-8: UDDI search fields and options

Search field or option


UDDI profile

Editable drop-down list for the name of a UDDI operator. You can associate a UDDI profile with a query URL. The drop-down list allows you to select predefined profiles for the Microsoft and IBM public UDDI registries.

Query URL

Text box that displays the URL for the Web service registry in which you want to find a Web service. If you selected a predefined profile in the UDDI Profile drop-down list, the URL associated with that profile displays in the text box. You can also enter a query URL and associate the URL with a profile name by clicking the Save Profile button.

Search For

Text box for entering the keyword you want to use in a UDDI search.


Drop-down list for “Service Names” (default) or “Business Names.”

Exact Match

Check box option. If selected, limits search to the current value in the Search For drop-down list.

Case Sensitive

Check box option. If selected, limits the search to the capitalization used by the current value in the Search For drop-down list.


Radio button option. Sorts search results in ascending or descending order.

Maximum Rows

Spin button option. Limits the number of search results returned to the number that you enter in this spin button control.

The next wizard page in the UDDI search depends on whether you are searching a key word in business names or service names:

After you select a service on the Select Service page of a wizard, the UDDI search is complete and you continue your selections on the remaining pages of the wizard.