About 4GL JSP pages

4GL JSP pages are enhanced Web pages that incorporate extensions to the Web Target object model to generate template (source) code for dynamic Web pages. 4GL JSP pages rely on the object model to handle the complexities of data transfer, HTML generation, and Java or JavaScript generation for server scripts. With many of the implementation details taken care of for you, you can concentrate on designing your pages and coding the application logic.

4GL JSP pages integrate with other Web pages on your Web site. They are suitable for sharing data with other pages across your site and accessing components installed on EAServer. 4GL JSP pages provide enhanced support for Web DataWindow objects on HTML or JSP pages. You cannot hand-code a Web DataWindow on a 4GL JSP page.

4GL JSP pages can be deployed to EAServer, Tomcat, or other JSP 1.2 servers that support command line deployment.

4GL JSP pages help you: