Gets an object reference based on a passed string.
This function is used by PowerBuilder clients connecting to EAServer.
JaguarORB objects
jaguarorb.String_To_Object ( objstring , object)
Argument |
Description |
jaguarorb |
An instance of JaguarORB. |
objstring |
A string that represents a CORBA object. The string representation of a CORBA object is an Interoperable Object Reference (IOR) that describes how to connect to the server hosting the object. EAServer supports both standard format IORs (which are hex-encoded) and a URL format that is human-readable. |
object |
A variable of type CORBAobject that will contain the object reference. |
Long. Returns 0 if it succeeds and a negative number if an error occurs.
The String_To_Object function allows you to instantiate a proxy instance without using the Jaguar naming service.
Connecting to EJB components
In PowerBuilder 7 and earlier releases, the JaguarORB String_To_Object function
was used to access EJB components in EAServer.
In PowerBuilder 8 and later, the Lookup function on the Connection object
can be used to instantiate a proxy for the home interface of an
EJB component in EAServer.
In PowerBuilder 9, the Lookup function on the EJBConnection PowerBuilder extension object can be used to instantiate proxies for EJB components running in any J2EE-compliant server.
When you use String_To_Object for proxy instantiation, you instantiate the object directly. The disadvantage of this approach is that you lose the benefits of server address abstraction that are provided by the naming service.
To use the naming service API explicitly, you can use the Resolve_Initial_References function to obtain an initial naming context. However, this technique is not recommended because it requires use of deprecated SessionManager::Factory methods. For more information about connecting to EAServer using the JaguarORB object, see Application Techniques.
The String_To_Object can be used to obtain an EAServer authentication manager instance by using a URL format IOR. IOR strings in URL format must have the form:
protocol : // host : iiop_port
protocol is iiops
connecting to a secure port and iiop
host is the EAServer host address or machine name
iiop_port is the port number for IIOP requests
An example of a URL-format IOR is:
If the server is part of a cluster, the objstring argument can contain a list of IORs separated by semicolons.
After calling String_To_Object, you can use the Manager interface to obtain an instance of the Session interface, which allows you to create component instances. When you use the Manager and Session interfaces, you need to generate proxies for these interfaces and include these proxies in the library list for the client. For information about methods on these interfaces, see the interface repository documentation at the URL http://yourhost:yourport/ir/, where yourhost is the server's host name and yourport is the HTTP port number.
The String_To_Object function can also be used to deserialize a Proxy object reference. By serializing an object reference, you can save the state of the object so that it persists after the client terminates processing. Deserializing the object reference gets an object reference from a serialized string. String_To_Object is often used in conjunction with Object_To_String, which allows you to serialize an object reference.
The following example shows the use of the String_To_Object function to obtain an EAServer authentication manager instance. The function uses a URL format IOR:
JaguarORB my_orb CORBAObject my_corbaobj Manager my_manager Session my_session Factory my_Factory n_Bank_Account my_account my_orb = CREATE JaguarORB my_orb.init("ORBRetryCount=3,ORBRetryDelay=1000") my_orb.String_To_Object("iiop://myhost:9000", & my_corbaobj) my_corbaobj._narrow(my_manager, & "SessionManager/Manager") my_session = my_manager.createSession("jagadmin", "") my_corbaobj = my_session.lookup("Bank/n_Bank_Account") my_corbaobj._narrow(my_Factory, "SessionManager/Factory") my_corbaobj = my_Factory.create() my_corbaobj._narrow(my_account,"Bank/n_Bank_Account") my_account.withdraw(100.0)
In this example, the component is an EJB component. When the _Narrow function is called to convert the object reference returned from the Lookup call on the Session object, the second argument includes the domain name as well as the package name. This is necessary if the Java package name uses the domainname.packagename format:
JaguarORB my_orb CORBAObject my_corbaobj Manager my_mgr Session my_session CartHome my_cartHome Cart my_cart
long ll_return my_orb = CREATE JaguarORB my_orb.init("ORBLogFile='c:\temp\orblog'") my_orb.String_to_Object("iiop://svr1:9000", & my_corbaObj) my_corbaObj._narrow(my_mgr, "SessionManager/Manager" ) my_Session = my_mgr.createSession("jagadmin", "") my_corbaObj = my_session.lookup("Cart") ll_return = my_corbaObj._narrow(my_CartHome, "com/shopping/CartHome") my_corbaObj = my_CartHome.create() my_Cart.addItem()