Connects a client application to a server component. The client application must call ConnectToServer before it can use a remote object on the server.
This function applies to distributed applications only.
Connection objects
connection.ConnectToServer ( )
Argument |
Description |
connection |
The name of the Connection object you want to use to establish the connection. The Connection object has properties that specify how the connection will be established. |
Long. Returns 0 if it succeeds and one of the following values if an error occurs:
50 Distributed service error
52 Distributed communications error
53 Requested server not active
54 Server not accepting requests
55 Request terminated abnormally
56 Response to request incomplete
57 Connection object not connected to server
62 Server busy
92 Required property is missing or invalid
Before calling ConnectToServer, you assign values to the properties of the Connection object.
In this example, the client application connects to a server application using the Connection object myconnect:
// Global variable:
// connection myconnect
long ll_rc
myconnect = create connection
myconnect.driver = "jaguar"
myconnect.location = "Jagserver1:9000"
myconnect.application = "PB_pkg_1"
myconnect.userID = "bjones"
myconnect.password = "mypass"
ll_rc = myconnect.ConnectToServer()
IF ll_rc <> 0 THEN
MessageBox("Connection failed", ll_rc)
You can enclose the ConnectToServer function in a try-catch block to catch exceptions thrown during the attempt to connect. This example uses SSLServiceProvider and SSLCallBack objects to create a secure connection. An exception or other error in any of the SSLCallback functions raises the CTSSecurity::UserAbortedException. The error-handling code shown in the example displays a message box with the text of the error message, but your code should take additional appropriate action:
SSLServiceProvider sp // set QOP getcontextservice( "SSLServiceProvider", sp ) sp.setglobalproperty( "QOP", "sybpks_simple" ) // set PB callback handler sp.setglobalproperty( "CallbackImpl", & "uo_sslcallback_handler" ) // connect to the server connection cxn cxn.userid = "jagadmin" cxn.password = "sybase" cxn.driver = "jaguar" cxn.application = "dbgpkg" cxn.options = "ORBLogFile='d:\PBJagClient.Log'" cxn.location = "iiops://localhost:9001"
TRY l_rc = cxn.ConnectToServer() CATCH (userabortedexception uae) MessageBox("UserAbortedException Caught", & "ConnectToServer caught: " + uae.getMessage() ) l_rc = 999 CATCH ( CORBASystemException cse ) MessageBox("CORBASystemException Caught", & "ConnectToServer caught: " + cse.getMessage() ) l_rc = 998 CATCH ( RuntimeError re ) MessageBox("RuntimeError Exception Caught", & "ConnectToServer caught: " + re.getMessage() ) l_rc = 997 CATCH ( Exception ex ) MessageBox("Exception Caught", & "ConnectToServer caught: " + ex.getMessage() ) l_rc = 996 END TRY
IF l_rc <> 0 THEN MessageBox("Error", "Connection Failed - code: " & + string(l_rc) ) MessageBox("Error Info", "ErrorCode= " + & string(cxn.ErrCode) + "~nErrText= " + & cxn.ErrText) ELSE MessageBox("OK", "Connection Established") END IF