

Displays the system’s Save File dialog box with the specified file name displayed in the File name box. The user can enter a file name or select a file from the grayed list.


GetFileSaveName ( title, pathname, filename {, extension {, filter { , initdir { , aFlag } } } } )
GetFileSaveName ( title, pathname, filename [ ] {, extension {, filter { , initdir { , aFlag } } } } )




A string whose value is the title of the dialog box.


A string variable whose value is the default path name and which stores the returned path. If the user selects a single file, the pathname variable contains the path name and file name. The default file name is displayed in the File name box; the user can specify another name.

filename, filename[ ]

A string variable in which the returned file name is stored or an array of string variables in which multiple selected file names are stored. Specifying an array of string variables enables multiple selection in the dialog box.

extension (optional)

A string whose value is a 1- to 3-character default file extension. The default is no extension.

filter (optional)

A string whose value is the description of the displayed files and the file extension that you want use to select the displayed files (the filter). The format for filter is: description,*. ext

The default is: "All Files (*.*),*.*"

initdir (optional)

A string whose value is the initial directory name. The default is the current directory.

aFlag (optional)

An unsigned long whose value determines which options are enabled in the dialog box. The value of each option’s flag is calculated as 2 to the power of (index -1), where index is the integer associated with the option. The value of the aggregate flag passed to GetOpenFileName is the sum of the individual option flags. See the table in the Usage section for GetOpenFileName for a list of options, the index associated with each option, and the option’s meaning.


Integer. Returns 1 if it succeeds, 0 if the user clicks the Cancel button or Windows cancels the display, and -1 if an error occurs. If any argument’s value is null, GetFileSaveName returns null.


If you specify a DOS-style extension and the user enters a file name with no extension, PowerBuilder appends the default extension to the file name. If you specify a file mask to act as a filter, PowerBuilder displays only files that match the mask.

If you specify a string for the filename argument, the user can select only one file. The pathname argument contains the path name and the file name, for example C:\temp\test.txt.

If you specify a string array for the filename argument, the user can select more than one file. If the user selects multiple files, the pathname argument contains the path only, for example C:\temp. If the user selects a single file, its name is appended to the pathname argument, for example C:\temp\test.txt. For an example that shows the use of a string array, see the GetFileOpenName function.

For usage notes on the filter, initdir, and aFlag arguments, see the GetFileOpenName function.


Example 1

These statements display the Select File dialog box so that the user can select a single file. The default file extension is .DOC, the filter is all files, and the initial directory is C:\My Documents. The aFlag option 32770 specifies that an Explorer-style dialog box is used with the Read Only check box selected when the dialog box is created. If a file is selected successfully, its path displays in a SingleLineEdit control:

string ls_path, ls_file
int li_rc

ls_path = sle_1.Text
li_rc = GetFileSaveName ( "Select File", &
   ls_path, ls_file, "DOC", &
   "All Files (*.*),*.*" , "C:\My Documents", &

IF li_rc = 1 Then
   sle_1.Text = ls_path
End If

See also