Use this format to execute a SQL statement that does not produce a result set but does require input parameters. You can use this format to execute all forms of Data Definition Language (DDL).
PREPARE DynamicStagingArea FROM SQLStatement {USING TransactionObject} ;
EXECUTE DynamicStagingArea USING {ParameterList} ;
Parameter |
Description |
DynamicStagingArea |
The name of the DynamicStagingArea (usually SQLSA). If you need a DynamicStagingArea variable other than SQLSA, you must declare it and instantiate it with the CREATE statement before using it. |
SQLStatement |
A string containing a valid SQL statement. The string can be a string constant or a PowerBuilder variable preceded by a colon (such as :mysql). The string must be contained on one line and cannot contain expressions. Enter a question mark (?) for each parameter in the statement. Value substitution is positional; reserved word substitution is not allowed. |
TransactionObject (optional) |
The name of the transaction object that identifies the database. |
ParameterList (optional) |
A comma-separated list of PowerScript variables. Note that PowerScript variables are preceded by a colon (:). |
To specify a null value, use the SetNull function.
These statements prepare a DELETE statement with one parameter in SQLSA and then execute it using the value of the PowerScript variable Emp_id_var:
INT Emp_id_var = 56
FROM "DELETE FROM employee WHERE emp_id=?" ;
These statements prepare an INSERT statement with two parameters in SQLSA and then execute it using the value of the PowerScript variables Dept_id_var and Dept_name_var (note that Dept_name_var is null):
INT Dept_id_var = 156
String Dept_name_var
EXECUTE SQLSA USING :Dept_id_var,:Dept_name_var ;