Files available for source control

The following schema shows a directory structure for files in the local PowerBuilder workspace and on the source control server. Directories and files in the local root path that can be copied to the source control server from PowerBuilder are displayed in bold print. Asterisks indicate a variable name for a file and italic print indicates a variable name for a file or folder.

Figure 3-1: Directory structure in local path and source control server

At left is a box labeled Local Root Path. In regular type, because they cannot be copied to Source Control, are  Workspace dot P B W, Workspace dot P B C, and * dot P B _. In bold are * dot P B T, * dot P B G, * dot S R *, a Web Target Directory, and under it a Source Directory and all its contents. In regular type under the Web Target Directory are the Build Directory and Deployment Config, which are not under Source Control. All entries in bold also appear in the same order at right in a rectangle labeled Source Control Project.

Typically, the source control server files are stored in a database but preserve the file system structure. Files in a Web target Build directory and in any deployment configuration directories can be regenerated automatically by building and deploying the files in the Source directory.

NoteTemporary files in local root path When you add or check in a PowerScript object to source control, PowerBuilder first exports the object as a temporary file (*.SR*) to your local target directory. For some source control systems, you might choose to delete temporary files from the local root path.