Setting menu item style properties

Menu items have style properties that you set at design time. You cannot use these style properties with a traditional style menu. Unlike the style properties on the Menu object that display on the Appearance tab of the Properties view, the fields where you set these properties are located on the General tab of the Properties view for each menu item.



Use to assign



Visual sizing cue to the menu item bitmap when the associated menu item is selected. This property is ignored if the MenuImage property is not assigned.



Bitmap image to be used with the menu item. This property is ignored if the MenuBitmaps property for the menu object is not selected or is set to false.



Label for menu item that has a cascading submenu. The label text is set vertically in a column to the left of the submenu items and the bitmaps for submenu items, if any. If the vertical label text is longer than the height of all the submenu items, the label text is not used. The label text is cut from two ends. This property is ignored if the MenuTitles property for the menu object is not selected.

You select or enter values for the menu item style properties on the General tab of the Properties view for each menu item. You can make selections for the MenuAnimation and MenuImage properties only if the MenuBitmaps check box for the current menu object is selected. The MenuBitmaps check box is selected by default for the contemporary menu style.

You can enter text for the MenuTitleText property only if the MenuTitles check box for the current menu object is selected.