Building components and proxies

About the Project painter workspace

The Project painter workspace for executable applications is shown in “Defining an executable application project”. It has text boxes and radio buttons you use to specify the characteristics of your executable file and dynamic libraries.

The workspace for all other types of project objects is different. It is a read-only display that shows options you specify for the project object. If you used a wizard to create the project, it shows the options you selected in the wizard. If you did not use a wizard, you use Edit menu items or PainterBar buttons to select the objects the project will use and to specify project properties.

The sample shows a work space for the Project object called p _ c d server _ e a s comps ( d c server ). Displayed is the text E A Server component Generator Project Status and E A Server Package Name : C D Package, then a section labled E A Server Package Comments that shows options and their settings, for example, E A Server host name: local host and Save log in info in project : yes.

When you build the project, the Output window shows whether the build was successful and lists any errors encountered. For most projects, this information also displays in the Project workspace.

Defining and building projects for components and proxies

You create new projects for components and proxies and open them in the Project painter the same way you do application projects. Use the following procedure to define and build projects for components and proxies.

StepsTo define and build a project object for components and proxies:

  1. Create a new project and open the Project painter.

    For more information, see “Creating a project”.

  2. Select Edit>Select Objects from the menu bar, select the objects you require, and click OK.

    The appearance of the Select Objects dialog box depends on the project type. For some project types you can select multiple objects.

  3. Select Edit>Properties from the menu bar, complete each Property page, and click OK.

    As you set or modify properties, your choices are reflected in the workspace.

  4. Select File>Save to save your choices.

  5. Click the Build button in the PainterBar, or select Design>Build Project.

    PowerBuilder builds the project. For some components, it also deploys the generated objects.

Building and deploying a workspace

You can build and deploy a single project or all the projects in your workspace. You can also build and deploy from a command-line. For more information, see “Building workspaces”.

For more information about building components


See the chapter on this topic

In this book

Automation Server

PowerBuilder automation server

Application Techniques

COM/COM+ Component

Building COM/COM+ components

EAServer Component

Building EAServer components

EAServer Proxy

Building EAServer clients

EJB Client Proxy

Building EJB clients

Web Services Proxy

Building Web service clients

Web DW Container

Using the Web DataWindow

DataWindow Programmer’s Guide