Once you have completed development and defined your project, you build the project to create the executable files and all specified dynamic libraries. You can build your project whenever you have made changes to the objects and want to test or deploy another version of your application.
This section describes building a single project in the Project painter. You can build all the targets in your workspace at any time using buttons on the PowerBar, pop-up menus in the System Tree, or a command line. For more information, see “Building workspaces”.
To build the application:
Open the project you built in the Project painter.
Click the Build button in the PainterBar, or select Design>Build Project.
If the target’s library list has changed
When you click Build, PowerBuilder checks your target’s
library list. If it has changed since you defined your project,
PowerBuilder updates the Project painter workspace with the new
library list. Make whatever changes you need in the workspace, then
click Build again.
PowerBuilder builds the executable and all specified dynamic libraries.
The next two sections describe in detail how PowerBuilder builds the project and finds the objects used in the target.
When PowerBuilder has built the target, you can check which objects are included in the target. See “Listing the objects in a project”.