About PowerDesigner and the PowerDesigner plug-in

About PowerDesigner

PowerDesigner is a data modeling tool that supports several types of models and many programming languages. The following modules are available for data modeling in PowerDesigner:

About the PowerDesigner plug-in

PowerBuilder 10 includes a plug-in that provides the class diagram functionality of the PowerDesigner OOM directly inside the PowerBuilder design environment.

When the PowerDesigner plug-in is enabled, you can link a PowerBuilder target with a UML class diagram through a process called reverse-engineering. You can make modifications and adjustments to the class diagram and immediately generate those changes back to the objects in the PowerBuilder target library.

With the plug-in, you can also create a UML class diagram from scratch (or open an existing OOM file) and generate a PowerBuilder target using PowerDesigner menus in the PowerBuilder design environment. The plug-in facilitates synchronization between a class diagram and the PowerBuilder target objects that it represents.

NoteRequirement for enabling plug-in You must install the PowerDesigner 10.1, 11.0, 11.1, or 12.0 Object Oriented Model on your machine before you can use the PowerDesigner plug-in for PowerBuilder.

Enabling the plug-in

You enable the PowerDesigner plug-in through the Plug-in Manager. The Plug-in Manager displays when you select Tools>Plug-in Manager from the PowerBuilder menu. You must select the PowerDesigner item and click OK to enable the PowerDesigner plug-in.

Repository and online Help access

After you enable the plug-in, you can connect to the PowerDesigner Repository. The Repository is a tool for storing versioned documents. It helps you manage development in a multiuser environment. As in PowerDesigner, you can right-click on a model in the tree view of the Local tab and select menu items for Repository operations, such as Consolidate, Update from Repository, or Compare with Repository.

When you open a class diagram painter, the Repository menu is added to the main PowerBuilder menu.

If you installed online Help with PowerDesigner, that Help is also available to the plug-in.