From within PowerBuilder, you can use the PowerBuilder Browser to see a complete list of system objects and their properties, events, and functions.
To display the system objects, select the System tab of the Browser. The default display is to list the objects alphabetically.
To see the objects displayed hierarchically, place the cursor in the left pane, press the right mouse button, and select Show Hierarchy.
To display a specific object’s properties, events, or functions, select the object in the left pane and then double-click the Properties, Events, or Functions item in the right pane.
For information about using the PowerBuilder Browser, see the PowerBuilder User’s Guide.
You can also use PowerBuilder online Help to view more descriptive Help topics about the properties, events, and functions for system objects and controls.
If you know the name of the system object or control, use the Index tab to go directly to the correct topic.
To see a list of the system objects and controls for which Help topics exist, select Objects and Controls from the Help contents list.
In the Browser, select Help from the pop-up menu for the system object or control or one of its functions.