All controls
The Pointer property specifies the pointer image displayed when the pointer is over a control.
Rich text objects
The RichTextEdit control supports only the pointers included
in the list of stock pointers on the Other tab of the Properties
view. The RichText DataWindow supports only the pointers listed
on the Pointer tab page of the Rich Text Object property sheet.
If no pointer is specified, the default pointer is “IBeam!” when the rich text control is editable and “Arrow!” when the control is read-only.
To specify a pointer:
Select the Other tab page from the control’s Properties view.
Do one of the following:
Type the complete path and name of the file containing the pointer image in the Pointer text box.
Use the Browse button.
Click the down arrow to display a list of stock pointers and select a pointer from the list.
The Pointer property takes a string containing either a filename or the name of one of the Pointer enumerated datatypes.
Both of the following lines set the I-beam as the pointer for CommandButton cb_1.
cb_1.Pointer = 'Beam!'
cb_1.Pointer = 'd:\archive\IBEAM.BMP'