DataWindow, DropDownListBox, DropDownPictureListBox, EditMask, InkEdit, ListBox, PictureListBox, MultiLineEdit and RichTextEdit controls, user objects, and windows
When the HScroll Bar property is enabled, a horizontal scroll bar appears when all of the data cannot be displayed at one time. If this property is not enabled, no horizontal scroll bar appears.
To set a horizontal scroll bar for controls:
Select the HScroll Bar check box on the General page of the control’s Properties view.
To set a horizontal scroll bar for windows or
user objects:
Select the HScroll Bar check box on the Scroll tab page of the window’s or object’s Properties view.
The HScrollBar property takes a boolean value. The following example allows a horizontal scroll bar to appear when needed in a ListBox.
lb_1.HScrollBar = TRUE
This property cannot be set at runtime for EditMask controls.