
Applies to

Application object, OLE controls


DisplayName is a user-readable name for your application or OLE control. This name is displayed in OLE dialog boxes and windows that show the object's name. If you do not specify a value, the name of the control (such as ole_1) or application (value of the AppName property) is used for Display Name.


In a painter

StepsTo set a DisplayName for an OLE control:

  1. Enter the name in the DisplayName field of the General page of the control’s Properties view.

StepsTo set a DisplayName for an application:

  1. Open the application in the Application painter.

  2. Enter the name in the DisplayName field of the General page of the application’s Properties view.

In scripts

The DisplayName property takes a string. The following example sets a name for an OLE control.

ole_1.DisplayName = 'My Project'