New property to suppress group headers on page breaks

PowerBuilder 10.5 includes a new property that lets you suppress the group headers that display in a grouped DataWindow object after a page break. You can set this property on group header bands only.

When a group listing straddles a page break, all group headers for which you set this property are suppressed. The suppressed headers do not display at the top of the page. When all group headers are suppressed, the group displays as a continuous listing across the straddled pages. However, if the page break coincides with the start of a new group, only headers above the new group header are suppressed.

You enable the suppress group header property by selecting the Suppress Group Header check box in the Properties view for a group header band. You can verify the property setting and modify it at runtime with the Describe and Modify methods:

string s
s = dw_1.describe("datawindow.header.1.suppress")

For more information, see the description of in the DataWindow Reference or the online Help.