DatePicker control

The DatePicker control provides an easy way for a user to select a single date. The user can choose to edit the date in the control or to select a date from a drop-down calendar. The calendar is similar to the MonthCalendar control, which can be used to select a range of dates. You can also specify that the DatePicker control has an up-down control instead of a drop-down calendar.

You can also use a drop-down calendar in Date or DateTime EditMask controls and DataWindow columns that display dates. See “DropDownCalendar property for EditMask controls” and “Drop-down calendar DataWindow option” for more information.

To add a DatePicker control to a window or visual user object, select it from the Insert>Control menu and drop it on the window or object. The DatePicker control has several properties that allow you to work with times as well as dates, but to pick dates only, you can use the drop-down calendar.

You can set initial properties for the appearance and behavior of the control in the Properties view. Properties that apply to the drop-down calendar portion of the control are similar to the properties that apply to the MonthCalendar control and display on the Calendar page in the Properties view. For example, you can choose which day of the week displays as the first day in the week, whether the current date is circled, and whether a “Today Section” showing the current date displays at the bottom of the calendar.

For more information

For more information, see “DatePicker” in the chapter on using controls in the User’s Guide. For a complete list of DatePicker properties, events, and functions, see DatePicker control in Objects and Controls in the online Help.