Adaptive Server Enterprise 15 support

The native interface for Adaptive Server® Enterprise (pbsyc105.dll) can be used with Adaptive Server version 15 and has been enhanced to support several new features in version 15 of Adaptive Server.

Scrollable cursors

Adaptive Server allows both scrollable and nonscrollable cursors, which can be either semi-sensitive or insensitive. “Scrollable” means that you can scroll through the cursor result set by fetching any, or many, rows, rather than one row at a time; you can also scan the result set repeatedly. The CursorType database parameter lets you specify the type of cursor to use. For more information, see CursorType in the PowerBuilder online Help.

Unitext support

PowerBuilder supports the variable-length UniText datatype, which can hold up to 1,073,741,823 Unicode characters (2,147,483,646 bytes). You can use UniText anywhere you use the text datatype, with the same semantics. Unitext columns are stored in UTF-16 encoding, regardless of the Adaptive Server default character set. The Unitext datatype uses UTF-16 encoding to support Unicode text and maps to the PowerScript string datatype.

Bigint support

PowerBuilder supports the 64-bit integer signed BigInt datatype, which maps to the PowerScript longlong datatype, and the unsigned BigInt datatype, which maps to the PowerScript decimal datatype.

Unsigned integer datatypes

In addition to the unsigned BigInt datatype, PowerBuilder also supports two other unsigned integer datatypes introduced in Adaptive Server 15.0. In this release, the unsigned integer datatypes are supported when connecting to Adaptive Server using the SYC and JDBC drivers.

These datatypes allow you to extend the range of the positive numbers for the existing integer types without increasing the required storage size. That is, the signed versions of these datatypes extend both in the negative direction and the positive direction. However, the unsigned versions extend only in the positive direction. Table 1-2 describes the range of the signed and unsigned versions of these datatypes.

Table 1: Ranges for signed and unsigned integer datatypes


Range of signed datatypes

Range of unsigned datatypes


Integers between -263 and 263 - 1 (from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807, inclusive

Integers between 0 and 18,446,744,073,709,551,615


Integers between -231 and 231 - 1 (-2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647), inclusive

Integers between 0 and 4,294,967,295


Integers between -215 and 215 -1 (-32,768 and 32,767), inclusive

Integers between 0 and 65535

Using Adaptive Server 15

To use Adaptive Server 15, you must install Open Client version 15 on the client computer and set the Release parameter to 15 to establish an Open Client 15 client context. You can specify the Release parameter on the Connection page of the Database Profile Setup dialog box for Adaptive Server or in code:


The Open Client 15 client context can be used with Adaptive Server 11.x, 12.x, and 15.x.

In PowerBuilder 10.5, the SYC driver links to the appropriate version of the client libraries dynamically and the Open Client context is released when all connections are closed. If you open multiple connections, the first Open Client context established is used for all connections. If you need to establish a new Open Client context in the development environment, close all open connections and establish a new connection with the Release parameter set to the context you require.