

Inserts data into a DataWindow control or DataStore from tab-separated, comma-separated, or XML data in a string.

NoteImportStringEx A separate method name is provided as an alternative syntax for Web DataWindow components that cannot use overloaded methods.

Applies to

DataWindow type

Method applies to


DataWindow control, DataWindowChild object, DataStore object


PSWebDataWindowClass, server component

Web ActiveX

DataWindow control, DataWindowChild object



long dwcontrol.ImportString ( {saveastype importtype}, string string {, long startrow {, long endrow {,long startcolumn {, long endcolumn {, long dwstartcolumn } } } } } )

Web DataWindow server component

long dwcontrol.ImportString  ( string string ) 

long dwcontrol.ImportStringEx  ( string importtype, string string, long startrow, long endrow, long startcolumn, long endcolumn, long dwstartcolumn )

Web DataWindow PSWebDataWindowClass

number dwcontrol.ImportString  ( string string ) 

number dwcontrol.ImportString ( string importtype, string string, number startrow, number endrow, number startcolumn, number endcolumn, number dwstartcolumn )

Web ActiveX

number dwcontrol.ImportString ( number importtype, string string, number startrow, number endrow, number startcolumn, number endcolumn, number dwstartcolumn )




A reference to a DataWindow control or DataStore.

importtype (optional for PowerBuilder)

An enumerated value of the SaveAsType DataWindow constant or a string or number representing that value (see SaveAsType). Valid type arguments are:

  • Text!

  • CSV!

  • XML!

If you want to generate an XML trace file, the XML! argument is required.


A string from which you want to copy the data. The string should contain tab-separated or comma-separated columns or XML with one row per line (see Usage).

startrow (optional for PowerBuilder)

The number of the first detail row in the string that you want to copy. The default is 1.

For default XML import, if startrow is supplied, the first N (startrow -1) elements are skipped, where N is the DataWindow row size.

For template XML import, if startrow is supplied, the first (startrow -1) occurrences of the repetitive row mapping defined in the template are skipped.

endrow (optional for PowerBuilder)

The number of the last detail row in the string that you want to copy. The default is the rest of the rows.

For default XML import, if endrow is supplied, import stops when N * endrow elements have been imported, where N is the DataWindow row size.

For template XML import, if endrow is supplied, import stops after endrow occurrences of the repetitive row mapping defined in the template have been imported.

startcolumn (optional for PowerBuilder)

The number of the first column in the string that you want to copy. The default is 1.

For default XML import, if startcolumn is supplied, import skips the first (startcolumn - 1) elements in each row.

This argument has no effect on template XML import.

endcolumn (optional for PowerBuilder)

The number of the last column in the string that you want to copy. The default is the rest of the columns.

For default XML import, if endcolumn is supplied and is smaller than N, where N is the DataWindow row size, import skips the last (N - endcolumn) elements in each row.

This argument has no effect on template XML import.

dwstartcolumn (optional for PowerBuilder)

The number of the first column in the DataWindow control or DataStore that should receive data. The default is 1. This argument is supported for default and template XML import.


ImportString may trigger an ItemError event.


Returns the number of rows that were imported if it succeeds and one of the following negative integers if an error occurs:


All the arguments of this function except string are optional. You do not need to specify the importtype argument.

The string must be formatted in tab-separated or comma-separated columns or in XML. For TXT and CSV files, the format of the string is the same as if the data came from an ASCII file, and each line must end with a carriage return and a newline character (~r~n). If the string has four tab-separated columns, one line might look like for a tab-separated string:

col1_data~t col2_data~t col3_data~t col4_data~r~n

For a DataWindow control or DataStore, the string should consist of rows of data. If the data includes column headings or row labels, set the startrow and startcolumn arguments to skip them. The datatypes and order of the DataWindow object’s columns must match the columns of data in the string.

The startcolumn and endcolumn arguments control the number of columns imported from the string and the number of columns in the DataWindow that are affected. The dwstartcolumn argument specifies the first DataWindow column to be affected. The following formula calculates the last DataWindow to be affected.

dwstartcolumn + ( endcolumn - startcolumn )

If string data to be assigned to a single row and column has multiple lines (indicated by line-ending characters in the import string), you must quote the string data using ~". Do not use single quotes.

This example of a valid tab-separated import string assigns multiline values to each row in column 2:

ls_s = &

		"1~t~"Mickey~r~nMinnie~r~nGoofy~" ~r~n" + &

		"2~t~"Susan~r~nMary~r~nMarie~" ~r~n" + &

		"3~t~"Chris~r~nBen~r~nMike~" ~r~n" + &

		"4~t~"Mott~r~nBarber~r~nPicard~" "

If an XML or CSV column contains a leading double quote, it is assumed to be part of the column value. A leading double quote has to be closed to mark the end of an item.

ImportString does not support Crosstab DataWindow objects.


Example 1

These statements copy all data in the string ls_Emp_Data to the DataWindow control dw_employee starting at the first column:

string ls_Emp_Data

ls_Emp_Data = . . .


Example 2

This statement stores data in the string ls_Text and imports it into the DataWindow dw_employee. The DataWindow is a report of department 100 and start and end dates of personnel. The string includes the department number and other information, which is not imported. ImportString imports rows 2 through 10 and columns 2 through 5 in the string to the DataWindow beginning in column 2. The result is 9 rows added to the DataWindow with data in columns 5 through 8:

string ls_text

ls_text = "Dept~tLName~tFName~tStart" & 
		+ "~tEnd~tAmount~tOutcome ~r~n"

ls_text = ls_text + &


ls_text = ls_text + &


ls_text = ls_text + &



ls_text = ls_text + &


dw_employee.ImportString(ls_text, 2, 10, 2, 5, 5)

Example 3

This statement imports rows 1 to 200 of the data in the XML string ls_emp, ignoring any template mappings before column 5:

dw_employee.ImportString(ls_emp, 1, 200, 0, 0, 5)

See also