Properties and Param elements

How they work

The Web ActiveX and the Transaction Object control have several properties that specify connection information. The Web ActiveX also has properties that specify a DataWindow object or a PSR. You provide values for the properties with Param elements, which are enclosed in the Object element.

When you insert the controls in a JSP target, Param elements are automatically added to the Web page. You can provide values for the Param elements using the control property sheets. You can also write scripts that set or change property values.

The inserted Param elements are grouped in an order that corresponds to pages in the control property sheets. The first group of Param elements contains standard ActiveX properties. You can assign values for the standard ActiveX properties in the ActiveX OBJECTn Properties dialog box, where n is the order in which the object is placed on the page.

The Web ActiveX also inserts Param elements for custom properties. You set these custom properties from the Sybase DataWindow Web Control Properties dialog box. To open this dialog box, you can click the Control Properties button on the ActiveX page of the ActiveX OBJECTn Properties dialog box for the Web ActiveX control.

The Sybase DataWindow Web Control Properties dialog box has four tab pages where you can set custom properties: General, Scrolling, Transaction, and Trans User. The Transaction Object control has only two custom property pages: Transaction and Trans User.

Standard ActiveX properties

<PARAM VALUE=65536 NAME="_Version"></PARAM>
<PARAM VALUE=9280 NAME="_ExtentX"></PARAM>
<PARAM VALUE=5155 NAME="_ExtentY"></PARAM>
<PARAM VALUE=2 NAME="_StockProps"></PARAM>

Properties on General page

<PARAM VALUE="javadwtest.pbl" NAME=SourceFileName> </PARAM>
<PARAM VALUE="d_emp" NAME=DataWindowObject></PARAM>
<PARAM VALUE=0 NAME=SuppressEvents></PARAM>

Properties on Scrolling page


Properties on Transaction page

<PARAM VALUE="Driver='com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver', URL='jdbc:sybase:Tds:localhost:2638'" NAME=dbParm> </PARAM>

Properties on Trans User page