

Specifies that binary data or an ANSI string is to be submitted to or retrieved from a text column with UPDATEBLOB or SELECTBLOB.

Applies to


BinTxtBlob = value




Specifies that a PowerBuilder blob that is submitted to a text column in a database with UPDATEBLOB or retrieved with SELECTBLOB contains binary data or an ANSI string. Values are:

  • 0 The blob contains a Unicode string.

  • 1 The blob contains any kind of data that is not regarded as a Unicode string.




By default, when you use the UPDATEBLOB and SELECTBLOB SQL statements with a database column with a text datatype (long or clob for Oracle or text for Adaptive Server or OLE DB access to SQL Server), the PowerBuilder blob that is updated or selected is expected to contain a Unicode string. If the blob contains any other kind of data, such as binary data or an ANSI string, set the BinTxtBlob database parameter to 1 before calling SELECTBLOB or UPDATEBLOB. This prevents PowerBuilder or the database server from attempting to perform any conversion to or from Unicode.

Oracle O84 The Oracle O84 interface uses an ANSI database handle. With the default setting (BinTxtBlob=0) and UPDATEBLOB, the O84 interface converts the Unicode string to ANSI or UTF-8 based on the client’s NLS_LANG setting before sending the data to the server. For SELECTBLOB, the O84 interface gets an ANSI or UTF-8 string from the server and converts it to a Unicode (UCS-2) string.

With BinTxtBlob set to 1, the O84 interface transfers the data directly with no conversion.

Oracle O90 and O10 The Oracle O90 and O10 interfaces use a Unicode database handle. With the default setting (BinTxtBlob=0) and UPDATEBLOB, they send the data directly to the Oracle server and inform the server that the binary data contains Unicode strings. Any conversion needed is performed by the server. For SELECTBLOB, they get a Unicode string from the server.

When BinTxtBlob is set to 1, the value of the NLS_LANG environment variable determines the binding character set. The ANSI string or binary data is transferred directly to or from the server as in PowerBuilder 9 and previous releases.

To set BinTxtBlob to 1 with the O90 interface, you must use an Oracle 9.2 or later client, or you will receive an error.

OLE DB and SYC If BinTxtBlob is set to 0, the OLE DB and SYC interfaces perform any necessary conversion. If BinTxtBlob is set to 1, the data is passed to the server without conversion.


Example 1

In code, before calling SELECTBLOB or UPDATEBLOB with a PowerBuilder blob that contains ANSI string data or binary data, set the BinTxtBlob parameter to 1:

SQLCA.DBParm = "BinTxtBlob=1"

Restore the default setting of 0 if an operation needs to be performed on a blob that contains Unicode string data.

For example, suppose a Unicode string “ABC” stored in client memory as “65 00 66 00 67 00” is updated to the database using UPDATEBLOB. If BinTxtBlob is set to 0, the data is converted to ANSI and stored in the database text column as “65 66 67”. If BinTxtBlob is set to 1, no conversion occurs and the data is stored in its original form as “65 00 66 00 67 00”.