

Specifies whether PowerBuilder should map DateTime and Time datatypes to the Oracle TimeStamp datatype.

Applies to


TimeStamp = value




Specifies whether PowerBuilder should map DateTime and Time datatypes to the Oracle TimeStamp datatype. Values are:

  • 0 Map DateTime and Time datatypes to the Oracle Date datatype.

  • 1 (Default) Map DateTime and Time datatypes to the Oracle TimeStamp datatype.




Oracle9i and later databases and the O90 and O10 interfaces support the Oracle timestamp datatype. This datatype includes the date and the time including milliseconds. The existing Oracle Date datatype does not include millisecond information. In a DataWindow object, both the Oracle Timestamp and Date datatypes are mapped to the PowerBuilder DateTime datatype, which supports millisecond information.

If you use the O90 or O10 interface with an Oracle9i or higher server, DateTime and Time datatypes are mapped to the Oracle TimeStamp datatype by default. If you want DateTime and Time to be mapped to the Oracle Date datatype, set the TimeStamp database parameter to 0.

The TimeStamp database parameter does not apply to the O84 database interface. When you use the O84 interface, the DateTime and Time datatypes are always mapped to the Oracle Date datatype.

In PowerBuilder 8 and earlier, millisecond information was truncated when used with the Oracle Date datatype. In PowerBuilder 9.0 and later, millisecond information is not truncated. As a result, when performing multiple updates to a DateTime field that maps to a Date column, the first update succeeds, but subsequent updates fail with a “row changed between retrieve and update error.”

If you are using the O90or O10 interface with a database that uses only the TimeStamp datatype, PowerBuilder handles DataWindow updates correctly. If you are using the O90 or O10 interface with a database that uses only the Oracle Date datatype, set the DBParm TimeStamp to 0 to truncate millisecond information.

If you are using a database that uses both Date and TimeStamp datatypes, you must determine which columns use each datatype, and strip the milliseconds from the Date columns using code like the following:

datetime dt 
dt = datetime (date(string( today() ,"dd/mm/yyyy")),  &
   time(string ( today() ,"hh:mm:ss "))) 


Example 1

To set the TimeStamp value to treat DateTime and Time DataWindow datatypes as Oracle Date datatypes: