Specifies whether data is retrieved from the database as ANSI or Unicode. Use this parameter if the client is configured to use a character set that does not allow characters such as the Euro symbol to be converted correctly.
O84 Oracle 8.x and Oracle8i
DisableUnicode = value
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies whether data is retrieved from the database as ANSI or Unicode. Values are:
DisableUnicode =0
When the client is configured to use a character set such as WE8ISO8859P15, some special characters, including the Euro symbol, are not converted correctly when retrieved from an Oracle8i database. The O84 driver retrieves Unicode characters from the database by default, and the Euro symbol is not recognized as a valid Unicode character in this character set.
You can set the DisableUnicode database parameter to retrieve ANSI characters from the database instead of Unicode characters. The retrieved ANSI characters are then converted to a Unicode string.
To specify that PowerBuilder should retrieve ANSI characters from the database:
Database profile Select the Disable Unicode Support check box on the Connection page in the Database Profile Setup dialog box for Oracle8i.
Application Type the following in code:
SQLCA.DBParm = "DisableUnicode=1"