Specifies that the stored procedures and functions encapsulated in an Oracle database package should be appended to the lists of Oracle standalone stored procedures and functions displayed in the DataWindow and Database painters.
When to specify PackageProcs
You must specify the PackageProcs parameter before connecting
to the database.
O84 Oracle 8.x and Oracle8i
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
PackageProcs = value
Parameter |
Description |
value |
Specifies that package-stored procedures and functions should be appended to the lists of stored procedures and functions. Values are:
PackageProcs = 0
A package is an encapsulated collection of related program objects (such as procedures, functions, variables, and cursors) stored together in an Oracle database. Listing the objects contained in a package might impose a performance penalty on your Oracle database connection. When displayed in the DataWindow painter, only those objects that contain a REF CURSOR or SELECT statement parameter are listed. When displayed in the Database painter, all objects are listed. The text source displayed is that of the entire package.
To specify that you want Oracle package objects appended to the lists of stored procedures and functions:
Database profile Select the List Package Subprograms check box on the System tab in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Application Type the following in code: