

Specifies whether PowerBuilder displays identifier names in lowercase.

Applies to

DIR Sybase DirectConnect (applies only to DB2/MVS)


LowerCaseIdent = 'value'




Specifies whether you want PowerBuilder to display identifier names in lowercase. Values are:

  • Yes Display identifier names in lowercase

  • No (Default) Do not display identifier names in lowercase


LowerCaseIdent = 'No'


PowerBuilder displays identifier names in uppercase (the way they are stored in the database). The LowerCaseIdent parameter can be set only if the DelimitIdentifier parameter is set to No, indicating that PowerBuilder should not enclose table and column names in double quotes. If you try to enclose a table and column names in double quotes with identifier names in lowercase, the LowerCaseIdent parameter value is reset to the default value, and you receive a warning message.

NoteMigrating PBMDI and PBNET applications to PBDIR If you are migrating an application that previously used the InformationConnect DB2 Gateway or Net-Gateway for DB2 interface to the DirectConnect for DB2/MVS database interface, you should set the LowerCaseIdent parameter value to Yes. This enables you to continue to use the Select painter to edit DataWindows.


Example 1

To have PowerBuilder display identifier names in lowercase: