Specifies whether you want PowerBuilder to display both system-stored procedures and user-defined stored procedures in the connected database when you request a list of stored procedures.
By default, PowerBuilder displays both system and user-defined stored procedures in the connected database. If you set SystemProcs to 0 or No, only user-defined stored procedures are displayed.
SYC Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise
SystemProcs = value
SystemProcs = 1
Setting SystemProcs to 0 or No speeds response time if you want to work only with user-defined stored procedures.
To specify that you want PowerBuilder to display only user-defined stored procedures in the connected database when you request a list of stored procedures:
Database profile Clear the Display System Stored Procedures check box on the System tab in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Application To specify this statement in code, type the following:
SQLCA.DBParm = "SystemProcs=0"