Controls whether the ODBC interface uses call escape syntax for stored procedure calls (the default) or converts the calls to driver-specific native SQL syntax before sending the command to the ODBC driver.
ODBC (if driver and back-end DBMS support this feature)
CallEscape = 'Yes'
When to use Set CallEscape to No if the ODBC driver you are using expects to receive stored procedure calls in native (driver-specific) SQL syntax instead of in call escape syntax.
For information about the stored procedure call syntax your ODBC driver expects, see your vendor’s driver documentation.
Level 2 or higher ODBC driver required To use the CallEscape parameter, your ODBC driver must meet Level 2 or higher API conformance requirements. CallEscape has no effect when you are using an ODBC driver that meets Core or Level 1 API conformance requirements.
Example of stored procedure call escape syntax The following example shows a call to a stored procedure named sp_test that uses call escape syntax:
{call sp_test(1,1)}
To convert stored procedure calls to native SQL syntax before sending the command to your ODBC driver:
Database profile Clear the Use Call Escape Syntax check box on the Syntax tab in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Application Type the following in code:
SQLCA.DBParm = "CallEscape='No'"