Controls whether PowerBuilder converts a DataWindow object retrieval argument of decimal datatype to scientific (exponential) notation if the argument exceeds 12 digits but has fewer than 16 digits. If FormatArgsAsExp is set to Yes (the default), PowerBuilder performs this conversion.
When to specify FormatArgsAsExp
You must specify a value for FormatArgsAsExp before connecting
to the database.
DIR Sybase DirectConnect
ODBC interface
O84 Oracle 8.x and Oracle8i
O90 Oracle9i
O10 Oracle 10g
SYC and SYJ Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise
FormatArgsAsExp= 'value'
FormatArgsAsExp = 'No'
When to use The setting of FormatArgsAsExp might affect the speed of data retrieval in your DataWindow objects, especially if you are accessing large databases.
If FormatArgsAsExp is set to Yes, PowerBuilder converts retrieval arguments of type decimal to scientific notation if the argument exceeds 12 digits but has fewer than 16 digits. Some DBMS optimizers might interpret the resulting scientific notation as a different datatype and scan all rows in the table to find it. This can slow data retrieval if, for example, you are accessing a DB2 database with many large tables.
Setting FormatArgsAsExp to No tells PowerBuilder to leave the retrieval argument as a decimal and not convert it to scientific notation. This speeds data retrieval for large databases.
Retrieval argument size limited
The FormatArgsAsExp parameter is relevant only if a retrieval
argument of type decimal has fewer than 16 digits.
To tell PowerBuilder to convert a retrieval argument exceeding 12 digits but with fewer than 16 digits to scientific notation:
Database profile Check the Format Arguments in Scientific Notation check box on the Syntax tab (or Transaction tab in the case of the DIR interface) in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Application Type the following in code: