Specifies the level of impersonation that the data server
is allowed to use when impersonating its OLE DB data provider and PowerBuilder.
This parameter applies only to network connections other than Remote
Procedure Call (RPC) connections.
When to specify ImpersonationLevel
You must specify the ImpersonationLevel parameter before connecting
to the database.
Applies to
ImpersonationLevel = 'value'
Specifies the level of impersonation.
Values are:
set No level of impersonation is selected.
Anonymous The client is anonymous to the server and the server process
cannot obtain identification information about the client and cannot
impersonate the client.
Delegate The process can impersonate the client’s security context
while acting on behalf of the client. The server process can also
make outgoing calls to other servers while acting on behalf of the
Identify The server can obtain the client’s identity. The
server can impersonate the client for ACL checking but cannot access system
objects as the client.
Impersonate The server process can impersonate the client’s security
context while acting on behalf of the client. This information is
obtained when the connection is established, not on every call.
ImpersonationLevel = 'Not set'
Example 1
To set a level of impersonation to anonymous:
Database profile On the Security tab in the Database Profile Setup dialog box,
select Anonymous from the Impersonation Level drop-down list.
Application Type the following in code:
See also