Specifies whether PowerBuilder should commit (the default) or roll back all previously uncommitted database updates before disconnecting from a data source.
When to specify CommitOnDisconnect
You must specify a value for CommitOnDisconnect before connecting
to the database.
All database interfaces except SYJ
CommitOnDisconnect = 'value'
CommitOnDisconnect = 'Yes'
Set CommitOnDisconnect to No if you want PowerBuilder to roll back uncommitted database updates (instead of automatically committing them when you disconnect from the database).
To tell PowerBuilder to roll back uncommitted database updates instead of committing them when disconnecting from the database:
Database profile Clear the Commit On Disconnect check box on the Connection tab in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Application Type the following in code:
SQLCA.DBParm = "CommitOnDisconnect='No'"