Specifies whether warning message text can be concatenated to existing error messages.
DIR Sybase DirectConnect
ShowWarnings = value
ShowWarnings = 0
The ShowWarnings parameter allows the DirectConnect interface
to use warning and error processing similar to that formerly available
in the InformationConnect DB2 Gateway (MDI) interface. For example,
if a single warning message appears on the DIR error queue, the
default behavior is to discard warnings. If ShowMessages is set, sqlca.sqlcode = -1
and sqlca.sqlerrtext = "text_of_warning_message"
returned to the application.
exceed 254 characters. Consequently, if multiple warning messages
are returned together, message text might be truncated.
For Access Service connections, must be issued before connecting to ensure its correct operation.
To specify that you want to show warning messages as errors:
Database profile Select the Show Warning Messages as Errors check box on the Syntax tab in the Database Profile Setup dialog box.
Application Type the following in code:
SQLCA.DBParm = "ShowWarnings=1"