Database profiles for all data sources are stored in the registry in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Sybase\PowerBuilder\10.5\ DatabaseProfiles.
You should not need to edit the profiles directly to modify connection information. These files are updated automatically when PowerBuilder creates the database profile as part of the ODBC data source definition.
You can also edit the profile in the Database Profile Setup dialog box or complete the Database Preferences property sheet in PowerBuilder to specify other connection parameters stored in the registry. (For instructions, see Chapter 8, “Setting Additional Connection Parameters.”)
The following example shows a portion of the database profile for an EAS Demo DB data source:
DBMS=ODBC DbParm=ConnectString='DSN=EAS Demo DB;UID=dba;PWD=00c61737' Prompt=0
This registry entry example shows the two most important values in a database profile for an ODBC data source:
DBMS The DBMS value (ODBC) indicates that you are using the ODBC interface to connect to the data source.
DBParm The ConnectString DBParm parameter controls your ODBC data source connection. The connect string must specify the DSN (data source name) value, which tells ODBC which data source you want to access. When you select a database profile to connect to a data source, ODBC looks in the ODBC.INI registry key for a subkey that corresponds to the data source name in your profile. ODBC then uses the information in the subkey to load the required libraries to connect to the data source. The connect string can also contain the UID (user ID) and PWD (password) values needed to access the data source.