Creating a database profile

To create a new database profile for a database interface, you must complete the Database Profile Setup dialog box for the interface you are using to access the database.

StepsTo create a database profile for a database interface:

  1. Click the Database Profile button in the PowerBar.

    The Database Profiles dialog box displays, listing your installed database interfaces. To see a list of database profiles defined for a particular interface, click the plus sign to the left of the interface name or double-click the interface name to expand the list.

  2. Highlight an interface name and click New.

    The Database Profile Setup dialog box for the selected interface displays. For example, if you select the SYC interface, the Database Profile Setup - Adaptive Server Enterprise dialog box displays.

    NoteClient software and interface must be installed To display the Database Profile Setup dialog box for your interface, the required client software and native database interface must be properly installed and configured. For specific instructions for your database interface, see the chapter on using the interface.

  3. On the Connection tab page, type the profile name and supply values for any other basic parameters your interface requires to connect.

    For information about the basic connection parameters for your interface and the values you should supply, click Help.

    NoteAbout the DBMS identifier You do not need to specify the DBMS identifier in a database profile. When you create a new profile for any installed database interface, PowerBuilder generates the correct DBMS connection syntax for you.

  4. (Optional) On the other tab pages, supply values for any additional connection options (DBParm parameters and SQLCA properties) to take advantage of DBMS-specific features that your interface supports.

    For information about the additional connection parameters for your interface and the values you should supply, click Help.

  5. (Optional) Click the Preview tab if you want to see the PowerScript connection syntax that PowerBuilder generates for each selected option.

    You can copy the PowerScript connection syntax from the Preview tab directly into a PowerBuilder application script.

    For instructions on using the Preview tab to help you connect in a PowerBuilder application, see the section on using Transaction objects in Application Techniques.

  6. Click OK to save your changes and close the Database Profile Setup dialog box. (To save your changes on a particular tab page without closing the dialog box, click Apply.)

    The Database Profiles dialog box displays, with the new profile name highlighted under the appropriate interface. The database profile values are saved in the system registry.