You can interact with the window displayed in a PowerBuilder window ActiveX by adding JavaScript or VBScript to the HTML page. You can:
Code event handlers that respond to events that occur in the window
Call PowerScript functions to obtain pointer information, print, set redraw, or set a timer
Call the InvokePBFunction function to invoke a user-defined window function
Call the TriggerPBEvent function to trigger a user event on the window
Viewing ActiveX properties, events, and functions
When the window ActiveX is registered on your
machine, you can use the PowerBuilder Browser’s OLE tab
to see the list of window ActiveX properties, events, and functions.
Your HTML page can contain JavaScript or VBScript event handlers for the PowerBuilder window ActiveX.
Coding example assumptions
The following code examples assume that the HTML page includes
a Form, named buttonForm, which contains several Input elements:
passedFlags, passedXPos, and passedYPos.
To code JavaScript event handlers for the PowerBuilder
window ActiveX:
Insert the PowerBuilder window ActiveX into the HTML page, specifying all necessary properties:
<PARAM NAME="_Version" VALUE="65536">
<PARAM NAME="_ExtentX" VALUE="5962">
<PARAM NAME="_ExtentY" VALUE="2164">
<PARAM NAME="_StockProps" VALUE="0">
<PARAM NAME="PBWindow" VALUE="w_helloworld">
<PARAM NAME="LibList" VALUE=";">
<PARAM NAME="PBApplication" VALUE="rknnt">
<PARAM NAME="PBVersion" VALUE="105">
Within the heading of the HTML page, code a function to be called when the event occurs.
The following sample function simply displays the arguments to the Clicked event.
function wasClicked(flags, xpos, ypos) {
document.buttonForm.passedFlags.value = flags;
document.buttonForm.passedXPos.value = xpos;
document.buttonForm.passedYPos.value = ypos;
Within the body of the HTML page, code an event handler that calls the function when the event occurs:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" FOR="PBRX1" Event="Clicked(flags, xpos, ypos)">
wasClicked(flags, xpos, ypos);
To code VBScript event handlers for the PowerBuilder
window ActiveX:
Insert the PowerBuilder window ActiveX into the HTML page, specifying all necessary properties:
<PARAM NAME="_Version" VALUE="65536">
<PARAM NAME="_ExtentX" VALUE="5962">
<PARAM NAME="_ExtentY" VALUE="2164">
<PARAM NAME="_StockProps" VALUE="0">
<PARAM NAME="PBWindow" VALUE="w_helloworld">
<PARAM NAME="LibList" VALUE=";">
<PARAM NAME="PBApplication" VALUE="rknnt">
<PARAM NAME="PBVersion" VALUE="105">
Within the body of the HTML page, code an event handler that processes the event.
This sample function simply displays the arguments to the Clicked event:
Sub PBRX1_Clicked(flags, xpos, ypos)
document.buttonForm.passedFlags.value = flags
document.buttonForm.passedXPos.value = xpos
document.buttonForm.passedYPos.value = ypos
end sub
The PowerBuilder window ActiveX allows you to call certain PowerScript functions on the window displayed in the Active control:
PointerX Returns the distance from the left edge of the window to the pointer.
PointerY Returns the distance from the top of the window to the pointer.
SetRedraw Turns on or off automatic redrawing of the window after every change.
Timer Causes the window’s Timer event to occur repeatedly at the specified interval.
For more information on these functions, see the PowerScript Reference.
As with all ActiveX controls, the PowerBuilder window ActiveX provides an AboutBox function, which you can call to see information about the control.
Coding example assumptions
The following coding examples assume that you have written
scripts to be invoked by the PowerBuilder window’s Timer
To use JavaScript to call a PowerScript function:
Code a function to call the PowerScript function.
This example calls the PowerScript Timer function:
var cumSeconds = 0;
function setPBTimer( f ) {
var li_return
var li_interval
li_interval = parseInt(f.timerInterval.value);
li_return = PBRX1.Timer(li_interval);
if (li_return != 1) {
alert("Set Timer failed");
Code a function, anchor, or button that calls the function.
This example uses a button on a form to call the function defined above, which resets the timer interval:
<FORM NAME="clockForm">
<P>Timer Interval:
<INPUT TYPE=Text NAME="timerInterval" Size="5">
To use VBScript to call a PowerScript function:
Code a function to call the PowerScript function. This example calls the PowerScript Timer function:
dim cumSeconds
cumSeconds = 0
Sub pbSetTime()
dim li_return
dim li_interval
li_interval = clockForm.timerInterval.value
li_return = pbrx1.Timer(li_interval)
if li_return 1 THEN
msgBox "Set Timer failed"
end if
end sub
Code a function, anchor, or button that calls the function.
This example uses a button on a form to call the function defined above, which resets the timer interval:
<FORM NAME="clockForm">
<P>Timer Interval:
<INPUT TYPE=Text NAME="timerInterval" Size="5">
<P>Mirror of PB Time:
<INPUT TYPE=Text NAME="pbTime" Size="8">
<P>INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="Set Timer" onClick="call pbSetTime()">
The PowerBuilder window ActiveX provides the InvokePBFunction function, which you can use to call a user-defined window function.
VBScript and JavaScript differ
If your user-defined functions contain arguments and you are
using JavaScript, you must use SetArgElement to specify the arguments;
you cannot specify the arguments explicitly in the InvokePBFunction function.
To code JavaScript that invokes a user-defined
Define window functions as needed.
The following example assumes that in the PowerBuilder window, you have defined the function of_arg that takes a string as a parameter.
Code a JavaScript function that calls the InvokePBFunction function, specifying the user-defined function to invoke.
This example initializes arguments and calls the of_args window function:
function invokeFunc(f) {
var retcd;
var rc;
var numargs;
var theFunc;
var theArg;
retcd = 0;
numargs = 1;
theArg = f.textToPB.value;
PBRX1.SetArgElement(1, theArg);
theFunc = "of_args";
retcd = PBRX1.InvokePBFunction(theFunc, numargs);
rc = parseInt(PBRX1.GetLastReturn());
if (rc != 1) {
alert("Error. Empty string.");
Code a function, anchor, or form button that invokes your JavaScript function. For example:
<P>Copy this text to PowerBuilder:
<INPUT TYPE=Text NAME="textToPB" SIZE="20">
Defining arguments in JavaScript
When coding in JavaScript, define function and event arguments
by calling the SetArgElement function.
To code VBScript that invokes a user-defined function:
Define window functions as needed.
The following example assumes that in the PowerBuilder window you have defined the function of_arg that takes a string as a parameter.
Code a VBScript function that calls the InvokePBFunction function, specifying the user-defined function to invoke.
This example initializes arguments and calls the of_args window function:
Sub invokeFunction()
Dim retcd
Dim myForm
Dim args(1)
Dim rc
Dim numargs
Dim theFunc
Dim rcfromfunc
retcd = 0
numargs = 1
rc = 0
theFunc = "of_args"
Set myForm = Document.buttonForm
args(0) = buttonForm.textToPB.value
retcd = PBRX1.InvokePBFunction(theFunc, numargs, args)
rc = PBRX1.GetLastReturn()
if rc 1 then
msgbox "Error. Empty string."
end if
end sub
Code a function, anchor, or form button whose click invokes your VBScript function. For example:
<FORM NAME="buttonForm">
<P><INPUT TYPE=Text NAME="textToPB" SIZE="20">
<P><INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="Invoke Function" ONCLICK="call invokeFunction()">
The PowerBuilder window ActiveX provides the TriggerPBEvent function, which you can use to call a user event on the window.
To code JavaScript that triggers a user event:
Define user events on the window as needed.
The following example assumes that in the PowerBuilder window you have defined the user event ue_args that takes a string as an argument.
Code a function to call the user event. This example initializes arguments and calls the ue_args window event:
function triggerEvent(f) {
var retcd;
var rc;
var numargs;
var theEvent;
var theArg;
retcd = 0;
numargs = 1;
theArg = f.textToPB.value;
PBRX1.SetArgElement(1, theArg);
theEvent = "ue_args";
retcd = PBRX1.TriggerPBEvent(theEvent, numargs);
rc = parseInt(PBRX1.GetLastReturn());
if (rc != 1) {
alert("Error. Empty string.");
Code a function, anchor, or form button that calls the TriggerPBEvent function. For example:
<P><INPUT TYPE=Text NAME="textToPB" SIZE="20">
To code VBScript that triggers a user event:
Define user events on the window, as needed.
The following example assumes that in the PowerBuilder window you have defined the user event ue_args that takes a string as an argument.
Code a function to call the user event. This example initializes arguments and calls the ue_args window function:
Sub TrigEvent( )
Dim retcd
Dim myForm
Dim args(1)
Dim rc
Dim numargs
Dim theEvent
retcd = 0
numargs = 1
rc = 0
theEvent = "ue_args"
Set myForm = Document.buttonForm
args(0) = buttonForm.textToPB.value
retcd = PBRX1.TriggerPBEvent(theEvent,
numargs, args)
rc = PBRX1.GetLastReturn()
if rc 1 then
msgbox "Error. Empty string."
end if
end sub
Code a function, anchor, or form button whose click invokes your VBScript function. For example:
<FORM NAME="buttonForm">
<P><INPUT TYPE=Text NAME="textToPB" SIZE="20">
<P><INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="Trigger Event" ONCLICK="call TrigEvent()">